Welcome to our new website.
The launch of this new website coincides with the start of a new era for Bronzewood.
Many companies in our sector have been forced to close or relocate out of London as the city landscape does not seemed to room for industrial sites going forward.
We however have fought these challenges and are committed to remaining a city based company.
Our location is crucial on many levels. It keeps us connected to our core clients allowing for face to face interaction as well as being able to achieve high response times which is especially important in regards to our Local Authorities and Commercial division.
Staying put also means we can employ local people and support the community that is an important part of Bronzewood.
As you will see when you navigate through the website we have tried to amalgamate many product and services whilst keeping view simple. We have added associated services that give our customers a total package having the peace of mind that the companies have been endorsed by us.
We will post a informative monthly Newsletter covering all aspects of our industry ,you will also be able to follows us on social media platforms
So to conclude welcome back to our fresh new start. I hope you follow our journey and trust in us to provide all you metalwork and associated requirements